Vercel v Netlify

Which to pick for deployment?

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Vercel provides a similar experience as Netlify, where you can connect your repository and instantly build and deploy your project after every commit, and also includes a delivery network. Well i prefer using vercel aside from their minimalist user interface, it is really easy to use and for me it is a step up from Netlify.

Netlify is a web developer platform that multiplies productivity. By unifying the elements of the modern decoupled web, from local development to advanced edge logic, Netlify enables a 10x faster path to much more performant, secure, and scalable websites and apps. Our bet on the Jamstack is quickly coming true.

​Vercel is a cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions that fits perfectly with your workflow. It enables developers to host Jamstack websites and web services that deploy instantly, scale automatically, and requires no supervision, all with no configuration.

Either way don't take my word for it, but I encourage you to try both because that's how you'll know which to choose from.